
Thank you very much for visiting the Silky website.
This website ( “the Site”) is operated by U.M.KOGYO INC. ( "the Company").
You (“Registered User” including persons in charge of suppliers) must agree to the Terms and Conditions of Use ( " The terms and conditions of use ") by reading the entirety before using this Website Service.

Article 1 Scope of application of these Terms and Conditions

" The terms and conditions of use " shall be applied to all aspects of the relationship between the Registered Users and the Company in connection with the Service.

Article2 Content and use of services provided

  • 1. The use of the site requires access to the web, and the user shall, at his/her own expense and responsibility, prepare the necessary equipment, software and means of communication, and connect to and operate the website appropriately.
  • 2. This site provides information on Silky products, but we may add, change or delete various services in the future.
  • 3.The Company does not guarantee any of the services provided or the accompanying services on the site due to error in computers or communication lines, wrong operation, excessively concentrated access, unauthorized access, hacking or the like . Furthermore, the Company shall in no event be liable, for any damage to registered user due to force majeure, service interruptions by the computer system or for other reasons. For more information, please see the Disclaimer Clause of Article 8.
  • 4.The Company shall be entitled to suspend or discontinue the operation of the site and to change ,in whole or in part, the information contained on the site without any advance notice to the Registered User.

Article 3 Handling of personal data

Names, email addresses, addresses, telephone numbers and other personal information obtained from registered users when using the Site shall be handled in accordance with a separate "Privacy Policy".

Article 4 Copyright, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights

  • 1.All rights (“copyrights etc.”) in respect of the programmes, photographs, documents, illustrations, images and all other works and expressions other than works (“works etc.”) belong to the Company. Copyrights of ”works,etc.” by subcontractors may belong to parties other than the Company, i.e. the “copyrights,etc.” belong to the respective authors.
  • 2.You may use the relevant information in the preceding paragraph only to the extent permitted by law, such as for private use, unless you have entered into a separate written agreement with the Company for the use of copyrighted works, etc. Unauthorised use (including reproduction, transmission, transfer, secondary use, etc.) of the information beyond the scope of private use is prohibited. Further, the reproduction, imitation, translation, adaptation, alteration or modification of the content without the prior written consent of the Company is prohibited.
  • 3.SILKY is a registered trademark of the Company and may not be used without permission.

Article 5 Links

  • 1.The Company does not guarantee the information or services of third-party websites linked to this website.
  • 2.Links to this website are free in principle, but the Company does not check third-party websites linked to this website and accepts no liability for any damage arising from the content or use of linked websites.
  • 3.Third-party websites linked to the Site that are recognised by the Company may be refused, depending on their content and linking methods.

Article 6 Prohibited Actions

  • 1. The Registered User may not conduct any act that falls under, or is determined by the Company to fall under, any of the following:
    • (1) Acts that cause or may cause damage to the Company or third parties.
    • (2) Acts that infringe or may infringe the property, honour, privacy, etc. of the Company or third parties.
    • (3) Acts that are or may be offensive to public order and morals.
    • (4) Acts of making false declarations or notifications, such as registering another person's e-mail address.
    • (5) Acts that use or provide harmful programmes such as computer viruses.
    • (6) Acts of unilaterally sending unsolicited e-mails, mail magazines, etc.
    • (7) Other acts that violate or may violate laws and regulations.

The Registered User agrees that the Company may make a claim for damages against the Registered Users in the event of a breach of the above.

Article 7 Disclaimer

  • 1.The Company carefully prepares, updates and manages all information on the Website, but makes no guarantee as to its accuracy or completeness.
  • 2.The Company shall not be liable for any and all damages arising from the use of this website or misuse it for any reason, or for any damages arising from the writing of data, unauthorised access, statements or e-mails by third parties. The Company shall not be liable for any damage arising from the writing of data, unauthorised access, statements or e-mails by third parties.

Article 8 Changes and notification of site terms and conditions

The content of these Terms and Conditions is subject to change, if necessary, without prior notice. In the event the Registered User starts using the website after changes have been made to these Terms and Conditions, you are deemed to have agreed to the amended terms and conditions.

Article 9 Handling of ideas and other information received

Information received from Registered User to the Company may be used as reference for the development and improvement of products. However, unless we specifically request otherwise, we will handle the information as follows:

  • 1. we are under no obligation to maintain the confidentiality of the information, except for personal information.
  • 2. we are under no obligation to consider, evaluate or adopt the information.
  • 3. we shall not be obliged to pay any compensation for the information.

Article 10 Compensation for damages

If the Registered User violates these Terms and Conditions, the Registered User shall compensate the Company for damages incurred.

Article 11 Equipment, etc. required for use of the services provided

The following environment and browsers are recommended for use of this website so that customers can use it comfortably.

  • 1. plug-ins
    Adobe Reader is required for the download page (https://silky.co.jp/catalog/catalog.pdf).
  • 2. About JavaScrip
    JavaScript must be enabled.
  • 3. PC environment
    Windows 10 or later, Mac OS 10.11 or later.
  • 4. Smartphone environment
    iOS and Android The latest OS possible.

Article 12 Special provisions

  • 1.Special provisions may be separately stipulated in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
  • 2.If there are provisions that conflict with the Terms and Conditions or are not mentioned on the pages describing the individual services of the Company, the provisions described on the pages describing the individual services shall apply.

Article 13 Severability

If any provision of these Terms and Conditions or part thereof is held to be invalid or unenforceable by law, the remaining provisions hereof or the remaining portion of the provision held invalid or unenforceable in part shall remain in full force and effect.

Article 14 Consultation

Any matter not stipulated in these Terms and Conditions shall be settled through mutual consultation between the Company and the Registered User in good faith.

Article 15 Governing law and court of jurisdiction

The Site and the interpretation and application of these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of Japan. In the event that a dispute arises in a court of law regarding any matter relating to the Website, the Kobe District Court, Yashiro Branch shall be the court of exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance.

Adopted on November 15, 2022